(You can read the transcript of this weight loss video at Martha’s website: YourSourdoughStart.com.)

This is a great story from Martha Levie about her gluten-intolerant aunt that ate sourdough bread with every meal for a month and still lost weight.

Her aunt wasn’t really all that heavy, but she had some unwanted weight when she realized that she was gluten intolerant and went off gluten. About that same time, Abigail’s Oven opened and started making sourdough bread. Martha, the bakery’s lead baker, said to her, “Give it a try to just see if maybe, it doesn’t bother you.”

Since they had not sold all that week’s baked goods, for a gift they gave her a bunch of whole wheat sourdough bread. But she was worried that she was going to gain all of her weight back.

Nonetheless, she began eating the bread, saying, “I just can’t stop myself because I haven’t had bread and so long.” Then at month’s, she said to herself, “I finished my last loaf of bread and I thought, well, this is it.”

Stepping on the scale, she reported, “I not only had I not gained any weight, but I had also lost 10 more pounds.” I thought, “Wow, that is crazy!”

Personally, I love that you can eat real sourdough and still lose weight. I have made it part of my weight loss journey too this year, losing 85 pounds so far.

Author: Darryl Alder, blogs for Abigail’s Oven, YourSourdoughStart.com, The Voice of Scouting, The Boy Scout, EternalCore.org, and SearchIsaiah.org. His hobbies include growing annuals and perennials; gardening vegetables; baking artisan sourdough bread; outdoor cooking; and Scouting. You can follow him on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.