Category: Wheat

East Frisian Black Bread

Rye bread is a nutritious and flavorful alternative to wheat bread. Types include light, dark, marbled, and pumpernickel, with whole grain dark rye being the healthiest. Rich in fiber, iron, calcium, and other nutrients, rye supports immune, digestive, metabolic, and heart health, plus strong bones. Choose whole grain when shopping and enjoy it in various ways.

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Hydration and Sourdough Whole Wheat Bread

Whole grains come packed with enzymes and good bacteria, both of which will accelerate the bulk rise. To mitigate the negative side effects of the grain and to release the full nutritional value contained therein, you may need to retard your long ferment in the fridge. This will help to break down gluten into a more digestible form of protein, dissolve phytic acid to make vitamins and minerals more bioavailable, and allow the yeast and bacteria time to consume many of the sugars and starches, which will promote a lower glycemic response to the bread.

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